
2 min

Mapping On-Street and Off-Street Parking with the City of Santa Monica

Smarking and The City of Santa Monica, CA are happy to announce a new and improved product feature: Dynamic Parking Maps for On and Off Street Parking!

The goal of the feature is to help the City of Santa Monica staff communicate parking dynamics to interested stakeholders — when and where parkers are using the City’s parking supply and how long they are staying when they park at that hour.

This parking map is the first of its kind to incorporate both on and off street parking into a single layer. Users of the tool can pick the day they are interested in analyzing and use the horizontal scroll bar to move through the day, by hour.

The map supports a number of views. The standard view, shown above, allows users to see street names, business and local landmarks that may impact parking demand.

The map feature also supports a satellite view, which enables users to zoom in from outer space to see the exact streets and parking spaces under analysis — as shown below:

Major credit to our clients at the City of Santa Monica for pushing the team to build out the parking map with both on and off street assets included. Smarking’s relationship with the City is unique in that multiple departments outside of parking (planning, mobility, and information technology) use the Smarking platform. It’s our hope that the City can leverage the mapping tool to inform parking policy decisions and allow other interested stakeholders (like elected officials and the business community) to better understand how parkers use City managed inventory.

A few more screenshots below for your viewing pleasure:

The beach lots were particularly busy on a hot Sunday afternoon:

Even on street parking across from the beach experienced high occupancy:

We are excited to make the Dynamic Parking Map a standard Smarking offering for our municipal client base. Please don’t hesitate to reach out if you’d like to learn more about how the mapping application works and what data is required to build it!

All the best,

-Cassius & the Smarking Team